For any information ( Branch addresses, contact numbers,etc) please visit Bank website.

The Reserve Bank Officers Co-op. Credit Society Ltd., Mumbai was established on December 16, 1967 under the Chairmanship of late Shri D N Maluste. The society caters to the credit needs of Reserve Bank of India Officers posted all over India.

The Reserve Bank Officers' Co-operative Credit Society Ltd., Mumbai is a Society originally registered under section 9(1) of Maharashtra Co.op. Societies Act 1960 (Maharashtra Act No. XXIV of 1961) and rules made thereunder. The Society is deemed to have been registered under the Multi State Co-op. Credit Society's Act 2002.

Principle Place of Business & Registered Office: The principal place of Business and registered office of the Society is situated at Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building 3rd floor, Sir P M Road, Fort Mumbai 400 001. The Society is having four branches at Mumbai.